Our Mission

LAHF LoveAndHumanityFirst LAHF’s Independent Research Found That Our Current Planet In Humankind History Does Not Only Have More Than Enough Resources, But It Also Possesses The Most Capable Human Capital Of All Time. The Human Capital That's Equally Enriched With The Ability To Revolutionize Our Worlds To The Best Of Its Kind. Also, Evidence Shows That Although We Claim To Be In The Existence Of The Modern Day Twenty First Century, But Yet A Significant Number Of Humankind Still Lives Below The Poverty Line In Almost Every Local And Global Community. At LAHF, We Strongly Believe That This Should Not Be The Case And Every Humankind Matters. We Also Believe That The Persons That Are Natured To CHANGE Theirs And Ours Worlds With The Best Next Ideas, Best Inventions, And Best Innovations Etc. Might Just Be From Yours Or Mine Local Community. However, These Opportunities We Are Missing Out On Are Otherwise Pending Or Many Times Die Because Many Of Our Best Brains Lack Access To The Very Basics.

It Is Equally Evident That A Number Of Our Planet's Potential Best Brains Often Require The Very Basic Of Help And Support From Other Humankind In Order To Have The Right Access To The Basic Opportunities. At LAHF, We Are Doing Something About It Alongside All The Generous Volunteers That Are Purchasing And Donating To Us Within The Local And Global Communities. We Leave No Stone Unturned When Partnering, Assessing And Providing The Very Basics To Volunteers Within The Local Communities To Which We Operate. Volunteers IN Need And IN Feed (INAIF) Pledge To Provide The Basics. Such As, Foods, Clothes, Shelters, Health Services, Educations, Dignities, Opportunities, Trainings And Resources Etc. These Are Thoroughly Carried Out And Powered By LAHF Programs, Platforms, Partners, Volunteers, Modern Technologies And Methods Etc.

LAHF Mission Is Simple, Bridging The Gaps Whilst Partnering And Collaborating With The Local And Global Volunteers I.e. The Privileged, Less Privileged Or The Indifferent. The Idea Is Evidently A Win-Win Situation As Everyone Gets Involved In Making Our Beautiful Beloved Communities (BBC) And The People Living In Them Attain Their Full Potentials Whilst We All Embark In Changing Our Homes And Our Streets For The Best, Getting The Very Best Out Of The People And Their Communities, Helping And Supporting Beyond Boundaries And More Importantly, Creating Sustainable Wealth For All Humankind. Shop Or Donate With ‘Love.And.Humanity.First. Now’ (L.A.H.F. Now) And ‘Help.A.Person.Pay.Yum. Now.' (H.A.P.P.Y. Now).