About LAHF

LAHFLoveAndHumanityFirst LAHF, A Community Interest Company That Carries Out Research And Experimental Development On Social Sciences And Humanities, Other Human Health Activities And Support Activities To Performing Arts. ‘LAHF’ An Astonishingly Creative, Innovative And Inventive Ideology That Creates Unique Designs, Styles, Arts, Modern Fashions And Accessories, Products, And Services Which Majorly Target The Game Changers And Likeminded Humans Of The Universe, Who Do Not Just Want To Live Their Existence Just For Fun (JFF), But Equally Want To Leave An Endless Fun Legacy (EFL) To When They Positively And Necessarily Become Nonexistence. LAHF With Volunteers Without Boundaries (VWB) Is Set Be To Doing The Works Of Humankind In Their Various Streets, Local Environments, States, Countries And Even The World At Large.

LAHF Is Solely Set Up To Help And Support The Locals, The Global Communities And Beyond. It is Often Said That 'Heaven Helps The Ones That Help Themselves And Their Respective Communities. As A Result, LAHF-HAPPY Initiative (LoveAndHumanityFirst-HelpAPersonPayYum) Activates Volunteers Amongst The Individuals In Our Beautiful Beloved Communities (BBC), Then Facilitates And Identifies The Technical Know How Of When To Provide Avenues, Platforms And Basics To The Volunteers IN Need And IN Feed (INAIF). The Notion Is Carried Out By And For The Local Communities I.e. Individuals To Individuals, Streets To Streets, Borders To Borders Etc. Nevertheless, Donations And Purchases With LAHF Go Back To Building The Same Communities To Whch It Exists And Serves. Help And Support Come In Terms Of Foods, Clothes, Shelters, Health Services, Trainings, Educations, And Opportunities Etc.

Evidently, No Human Has The Capacity To Form An Ireland Alone Or Rig Their Own Legacy And As Statistics Show, The People That Live, Work Or Thrive In The Moment Of Every Community Are The Ones That Make And Build Up That Communities. LAHF's Regular Experiments Consistently Show That Humans Need Humans To Be Able To Survive, Function Or Even Thrive, And When People Are Truly Empowered With Dignity Alongside Opportunities, Then They're Almost There In Attaining Their Full Potentials, And There's No Limit To What They Can Do To CHANGE Lives E.g. Families, Friends, Strangers, Communities And Even Go Further To CHANGE The Whole Wide World Whilst Leaving An Everlasting Trait And Legacy For Themselves. LAHF Emphasises Help And Support Are On The Way As Every Human Can Only Live, Survive Or Thrive On The Account Of Other Humans, Either By Families, Friends And More Than Often, The Humans We All Tend To Call Strangers Have Become The Ones That Have Redefined The Most Significant Part Of Our Success Stories. Spare A Moment Now! Shop Or Donate Now With Love.And.Humanity.First. L.A.H.F. And Help.A.Person.Pay.Yum. H.A.P.P.Y. 'LAHF! A Vaccine Whose Dose Has Come To Cure, Just LAHF!'